Saturday, September 29, 2007

An Amazing Quote

This past Wed. night I went to the College Home Team, that I have not gone to since mid July.... (Sorry D LO) But it was AMAZING! I had forgotten how great it is to be around people who are like minded, and have a bible study. Currently the home team is going through the book "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. I remember when I went to Southeastern that this book was a HUGE deal! Not because it was good, but because ALMOST EVERYONE I talked to (including my professors) said that the book was WRONG, and a horrible view on what Christians should act and be like! So being the hard headed person I am (and trying to be somewhat of a rebel) I decided I would read the book. So I could see what I thought for myself. I LOVED IT! Now if you know me than you know that I HATE reading ANYTHING!!! But it was such an encouraging book, and a huge refreshment in my life. But anyways I've been back in Orlando now for about 9months and had pretty much forgotten about the book. Until Wed. Night at Home Team. Ironically we went through my favorite chapter in the Whole book! Its when Donald and his friends set up a "Confessional Booth" in the Courtyard of they University during the biggest campus party(basically). Except the "Confessional" was not for the students who were joining in on the party activities, but rather an opportunity for Donald and the rest of his Christian friends to APOLOGIZE for basically being hypocritical. Like he apologizes for not loving the students at the party, and not serving the community like he should have, and mainly for Christians in general who say that Rules and Regulations rather than a RELATIONSHIP are what Christianity is all about. Anyways if you have not read the book I strongly encourage you to do so! And pray that God will open your eyes and show you things. And finally I will leave you with what is probably my FAVORITE quote in the whole book:

"Dying for something is easy because it is associated with glory. But Living for something is the hard thing." -Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz)

Don't Give up ever!


Angie Bledsoe said...

Yes! Thank goodness for grace - or we'd all be in the apology booth...Fovever!!!!
Glad you're blogging again!

Darrell said...

Wow,I think you could lead the college home-team my friend.:-)

Barry said...

Thanks D Lo but I think you do an AWESOME job with it! besides I like just sitting back and soaking it all in!