Monday, December 3, 2007

UCF C-USA Championship Game

This is video of the crowd going crazy, jumping and making the whole stadium shake! It was awesome,but I have no idea what the name of the song was, I just know we yelle O the whole time. Thanks Scott for getting Kayleigh and I the tickets!


Live Life

Church this morning was awesome as usual! This morning 21 people were baptized! If that's not awesome I don't know what is. Dad's, Mom's, Son's and Daughter's lives were radically changed forever because of the Amazingly Barbaric Love of God. Who have YOU talked to about Christ recently? Who are YOU intentionally building relationships with? YOU and I have this life to live, I know I do not want to waste it, do you? In the message this morning Pastor quoted Marcus Aurelius and it hit me like a MACK TRUCK the quote was this "It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live." and I was reminded of a quote I read in Blue Like Jazz "Dying for something is easier because it is associated with glory, but living for something is hard to do." Think about these quotes, evaluate your life and see if your truly living the life God has intended for you. O and soon I'll quote about my adventure yesterday at the UCF football game. Have a good rest of the night.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Wow I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! O wait..... that's because I haven't! Sorry I went out of town for Thanksgiving and had limited Internet access, and have been kind of busy since I got back on Saturday evening. Anyways I thought I would blog about everything that's been going on. First off Thanksgiving was GREAT this year, I got the opportunity to go to Beaumont,TX with Kayleigh's family and it's always great spending quality time with Kayleigh of course! But it is also awesome getting to hang with the Bledsoe's! Plus Texas is a really cool state (I'm still deciding if it's somewhere I would like to live someday). Sunday morning was Amazing! I absolutely love C3 Sunday morning was just well... REFRESHING! You can check out Pastor Byron and Pastor Barry's blogs, b/c I think they summarize the morning better than I could. But it's so cool how God works. While in Texas I kept up on my blog reading (even though I wasn't contributing) and loved reading all the Thanksgiving blogs about things people where thankful for. But I started to think about how lucky I was! How lucky I am to have the privilege to be able to call Kayleigh my girlfriend! To be able to hang out with Pastor Byron and Mrs. Angie, THANK YOU so much! You guy's will never know the level of impact that both of you have had on my life! You have shown me how to truly love God and love others, and as Mrs. Angie says: LOVE WINS! So thankful for a GREAT church staff,Pastor Byron, Darrell, Travis, Barry, and Josh have all impacted my life and taught me so many things, but I think the biggest thing I have learned is to always function with Integrity and all five of those men display this with everything they do! I am truly blessed and Incredibly Rich! Check out all of their blogs and You'll understand what I mean by Rich. The Awesome thing about everything that's going on at C3 right now is that... This is only the beginning! Can't wait to see whats to come!


Thursday, November 15, 2007


So my roommate Josh came to the house yesterday with a really bad sinus cold. He took some medicine then proceeded to go to sleep for like 4 hours, woke up came downstairs ate some chicken noodle soup drank some orange juice and was quite out of it, due to the fact he took Tylenol Cold. He then proceeded to go back to bed and sleep till he had to get up to go to work today. I say all of that to say this, I think he may have passed it on to me... :( I woke up this morning with a lot of sinus pressure more than my usual allergy sinus issues. And I'm feeling a Little under the weather. But Thank God for Mucinex it usually knocks out anything I ever get so My fingers are crossed and I'm hoping today is the only time this bothers me. Any who hope you have a great Thursday and I'm gonna try to blog at least 3 times a week. O and I'll either blog later today or tomorrow about home team last night it was ... AMAZING!

Increase the Peace!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Another Great Sunday!

Wow is pretty much all I can say about today! I love C3. Church this morning was amazing! We launched our last series we are going to do in our current facilities "Barbaric Grace." I'll have to admit at first I was a little confused about the title. Well after this mornings sermon there is no confusion any more! Today was a kick in the backside, and a huge burst of encouragement! This morning Pastor brought it! God's grace is free and amazing but it's all because of Jesus being a barbarian! To hear of so many people in the bible who where just flat out barbarians, was so encouraging! It reminded me that God can use anyone with a willing heart! Worship this morning was also AMAZING! Mrs. Angie closed out the morning by singing "Lead Me To The Cross" with a towering 16 ft. Cross behind her. To think of the barbarian attitude Jesus had to sacrifice himself for YOU and Me! And because of it we now have the free gift of Grace gave me goosebumps! Then I had lunch with Kayleigh and friends, then a amazing time of reading and talking with Kayleigh! We decided to start reading a book by Donald Miller called "Searching for God Knows What" after reading the first chapter we sat and discussed the reading, talked about the morning service, and tried to understand somethings that didn't really make sense... Like how did Adam look at a weird looking animal and know to name it Aardvark? Anyways it was just an amazing and refreshing time to be able to relax and spend quality time with the MOST AMAZING GIRL IN THE WORLD! After that it was off to Regal Cinema @ Waterford for our CRAVE movie night. We saw "Fred Claus" I found it to be very funny and it was awesome to get to hang out with all the students afterwards at The Patio. I had some Barney's Coffee tonight because it was "Cappy Hour" *buy 1 get 1 free* from 7-8pm.(For the record the Egg Nog Latte, Not so good...) All in all it was a GREAT DAY! Hope you have a great week!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Liberty Mutual Ad (1st edition):

I've seen this tv commercial several times, and it never ceases to make me stop and think for a moment. This commercial not only encourages me but frustrates me all at the same time. On the one hand it's amazing because the thinking of other's before yourself attitude is awesome! And going the extra mile to do something for someone is even more extraordinary! Just think about how contagious of a life style this is... I mean seriously if you witness a noble act of some kind, does it not make you want to do something noble also? The great thing about this commercial is that none of the acts of kindness are anything challenging! I mean something as simple as opening a door for someone, or even just picking something up, for someone who has their hands full. Not going to break a sweat doing that! Not going to Pull any muscles (or at least you should'nt *if you do though, you should really try to become more active!* ) Your not going to ruin your day, in fact I would argue that it will brighten up your day! You see there is something liberating about helping someone else out, and even more liberating when someone else helps you out. But like I said earlier there is a frustrating part and it's simply this... WHY ARENT WE DOING THIS MORE OFTEN? Seriously so often we walk pass that lady who needs a hand with her groceries, we let the door close and that mans face, we laugh at someone who dropped something out of a bag and now has to pick it up. I remember my sophmore year in high school there was this girl who was permanently in a wheelchair. Well anyways I was on my way to my 4th period class which was out in the back portable buildings, and ahead of me I saw the girl in the wheelchair( unfortunatly I do not know her name, so we'll call her stacie so that I do not have to keep refering to her as the wheelchair girl) steering her way out to the portable's also. Well after some walking we were just about to exit off the main sidewalk onto the other sidewalk that ran parralell with the portable's. But in-between the two sidewalks was a small probably 4ft section of dirt, where they had not filled in with concrete yet. So as "stacie" got to the dirt spot her left tire became stuck, now I was still probably 15-20ft away from her, I watched (in what seemed like slow motion) stacie frantically try to get her left tire out of the dirt it was in. After still walking forward I now was about 5-8ft away (yes I walk very slow) and still stacie could not seem to get her tire unstuck, so you know being the "Gentleman" that I am, and not to mention the "Good Christian" I am, I did what I think most people would do, I side stepped the wheelchair and just kept on walking... WHAT WAS I THINKING? about 15 steps after that I felt like the biggest jerk in the world. So I turned around to go back in help, to only see stacie glaring at me, still stuck in the dirt. I knew I would just have to swallow my pride and go back to help! So I started back towards her, and about 3 steps into it, she wiggled herself free and scooted right on passed me. Very quickly this sick feeling fell over me, and I felt this emptiness inside of me, like my heart had been ripped out of my chest! I didnt know what to do, I felt like I should appologize to stacie, but at the same time if you had seen the glare she gave me, you would have just wanted to keep as much distance between yourself and her as possible. So again I did what I felt was the absolute right thing... I totally ignored it ever happened. As you can tell this story still eats me up inside even after 5 years now, I never had enough courage to go back to her and apologize. Every time I see this commercial it automatically takes me back to that moment in time, when I just side stepped someone in need... A couple of weeks ago I was driving back to Kayleigh's house with lunch on a Sunday afternoon, when we passed a little turtle trying to cross Lake Underhill. I swerved and drove past it, but as soon as I did, that same feeling came back to me, and I again went back to that moment. So I told myself I would not have the same regret this time, although it was only a turtle and not a girl stuck in the dirt. I quickley turned the car around and proceeded to pick up the turtle and carry him to the other side of the road. I felt better knowing that I may have saved that turtle's life. Later that night a student in our small group for Crave, said to me "Hey I saw you stop today, and pick up that turtle. That was pretty cool man!" I couldnt help but smile and say thanks. For some reason I thought about the commercial coming to life! Maybe this student would help someone or something out now. But anyways the reason for this blog was to admitt my stupidity, and also just to challenge you, to do something out of the ordinary today! Take that extra minute to do something nice for someone, help someone out today, say an encouraging word to someone! Remember you never know the impact you'll have on someone. And also you do not want to live with the regret of knowing you could have done something but instead just stepped aside...


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Simply Amazing!

OK so I know it has been a LOOOOONG time since my last blog! So I figured what better way to start back up then to write about MY BEST FRIEND and The One person who knows me better than anyone else in the WORLD!

These are just a few words that describe you and some of the reasons why I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

K- Kind
A- Adorable
L- Lovable
E- Encouraging
I- Intelligent
G- Gorgeous
H- Ha-Ha-halarious

H- Honest
N- Nice
N- Never Gives Up
A- A Role Model
H- Humble

Babe YOU truly have been there for me through thick and thin, and You have always had my back, and been there to comfort, love, cry with, and even to correct me when I allow my "hard headedness" to take over. You have always been able to look past all of my faults and LOVE me for me... *I still do not understand that one!* You've shown me that people can be trusted, and that God is truly faithful! I count it a HUGE blessing to have been able to experience the last 3 years with you! and consider my life to be amazing because of YOU! You have put up with and dealt with more CRAP than anyone should have to deal with! and Yet YOU have always stayed true to yourself, family, and your convictions! I learn from you everyday! and I'm ENCOURAGED by YOU everyday! I could never thank you enough for the AMAZING influence you have had on my life! Please know that I LOVE YOU with ALL MY HEART! and that I will always be here for you!


~barry james

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Dear Anonymous

Today I recieved a comment from "Anonymous" on my blog. A few weeks ago where I shared a video of a man singing "Omazing Grace How Sweet The Sound" a video that I found rather funny, and thought that I would share it to help other people have a good laugh also. Well apparently "Anonymous" did not find it funny, or at least will not admit that he/she laughed. But to be honest I don't know how you could have not laughed at it.... Anyways the comment was this... and I quote: "HEY LET MAKE FUN OF THE RETARD! THATS CHRIST LIKE!" Just a few quick thoughts about the comment.

- The correct Grammar would be let's make fun of....

- Why are you yelling at me?

- I do not believe "RETARD" is the politically correct way of saying that someone is Mentally Challenged.

- "Anonymous" I think you may have made some assumptions about the singer also, I do not see any signs of the gentleman being Mentally Challenged.

- "Anonymous" Now I'm going to assume that you don't know me, because if you did, then you would know that in my Heart I would never make fun of a Mentally Challenged person just to make other people laugh! But let me set the record straight. I do not believe this man is Mentally Challenged, just Vocally Challenged and Tone deaf. And I don't see how sharing this video with people who are not uptight, is not "CHRIST LIKE!"

Anonymous, if your really concerned with my Christian walk then have enough guts to confront me and at least tell me who you are... Cause if you truly cared and believed what you were saying was true, then you would have no problem saying your name and standing by your belief.

But I'm sure you won't... and thats ok, I've expressed what I needed to! And now I will go about my day!


Monday, October 1, 2007

It's Monday and I need a Laugh...

Ok so since last Thursday marked the beginning of a new season of "The Office" I figured that I would share one of the funniest things I've seen on the show. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

An Amazing Quote

This past Wed. night I went to the College Home Team, that I have not gone to since mid July.... (Sorry D LO) But it was AMAZING! I had forgotten how great it is to be around people who are like minded, and have a bible study. Currently the home team is going through the book "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. I remember when I went to Southeastern that this book was a HUGE deal! Not because it was good, but because ALMOST EVERYONE I talked to (including my professors) said that the book was WRONG, and a horrible view on what Christians should act and be like! So being the hard headed person I am (and trying to be somewhat of a rebel) I decided I would read the book. So I could see what I thought for myself. I LOVED IT! Now if you know me than you know that I HATE reading ANYTHING!!! But it was such an encouraging book, and a huge refreshment in my life. But anyways I've been back in Orlando now for about 9months and had pretty much forgotten about the book. Until Wed. Night at Home Team. Ironically we went through my favorite chapter in the Whole book! Its when Donald and his friends set up a "Confessional Booth" in the Courtyard of they University during the biggest campus party(basically). Except the "Confessional" was not for the students who were joining in on the party activities, but rather an opportunity for Donald and the rest of his Christian friends to APOLOGIZE for basically being hypocritical. Like he apologizes for not loving the students at the party, and not serving the community like he should have, and mainly for Christians in general who say that Rules and Regulations rather than a RELATIONSHIP are what Christianity is all about. Anyways if you have not read the book I strongly encourage you to do so! And pray that God will open your eyes and show you things. And finally I will leave you with what is probably my FAVORITE quote in the whole book:

"Dying for something is easy because it is associated with glory. But Living for something is the hard thing." -Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz)

Don't Give up ever!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's Monday and I need a Laugh...

Ok so I remembered this video from last football season, so to kick off this season i figured i would start it off with this... Hope you enjoy!

But a little bit on the serious side please be praying for my mom and I as we will be leaving for Athens, GA tommorrow around 9am for my adopted fathers viewing. I have not talked to him in about 3 years, and have not seen him or any of that side of the family in about 12 years. Thanks for the prayers and i will keep you posted with how everything goes.

Por gun Mai

Monday, September 3, 2007

It's Monday and I need a laugh part 2...

Ok so I was shown this today and i thought even though i posted already this was worth a second post today! Enjoy and remember make a joyful NOISE unto God.

Phor gun mai

It's Monday and I need a Laugh...

Came across this video a couple weeks ago. And it made me laugh about as hard as last weeks, mainly because I can relate except mine was with a skim board not a boogie board. O well Hope you have a GREAT WEEK!

Phor gun mai

Monday, August 27, 2007

It's monday and I need a Laugh...


If you watch this 100 times you will still laugh

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Ok, so i think monday's can be the toughest day of the week. And sometimes we end up with a headache like this poor kid, So my hope is to give you a little comic relief! I will do my best to make this an ongoing thing each monday, so if you happen to come across anything funny just email it over to me.

Phor gun mai

Friday, August 24, 2007

Disney Movies and Life

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love Disney Movies! And well I was a little bit bored on my lunch break today, so i thought i would look on youtube and see if i could find the "you got a friend in me" song from Toy Story. And I did! :D so i figured i would share a little disney love with you! I love this song because it is so true! just wanted to say thank you to those of you who choose to look past my faults, and love me for who I am. Know that NO matter what I'll always be there for you and "even if the road looks rough ahead,..., YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME!"

Phor gun mai

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mowing Thoughts...

Ok so I was on the mower for 6 hours today... It's funny all the thoughts that roll through your mind while your sitting still listening to an iPod, getting weird tan lines, watching the grass get shorter, and at the same time having it blow in your face, causing your allergies to go haywire!

First off, How much I miss Kayleigh! She has been at a camp since wed! I know, I know wed was only yesterday, but seems like it's been forever! Plus I wont get to see her till I pick her and ash up tomorrow at 11:30. Have you ever thought about how it's weird that one day you can be happy all by yourself, but all of a sudden you meet someone, and you cant figure out how you ever lived without them? I love Kayleigh so much! She is the most AMAZING girlfriend in the whole entire world! Miss you babe and cant wait to see you tomorrow night!

Second, why do I always forget to take my allergy medicine before I do lawn work?

Third, it's funny how many movie quotes you can think of sitting on a mower bored out of my mind! But whats more funny is me laughing hysterically at myself telling myself movie quotes on a mower by myself in the middle of a field. I'm sure its probably pretty amusing watching me laugh at myself also...

Fourth, I get tired of music sometimes! And honestly after 6 hours you miss being able to have conversations, so I downloaded some comedians so it seems as if I am having human interaction but it's not quite the same...

Fifth, I started thinking about how my thoughts on church have changed in the last few years! I remember when I first surrendered to the ministry, and how I thought being a pastor would be. I never thought that being a pastor would be hard until I went to Southeastern, and even more so actually after I moved back to Orlando, I realized what the ministry of being a pastor was all about. Over the past 8 months I have learned so much about what ministry is all about. You see, I used to think it was just a walk in the park, a few letters and phone calls a week, maybe a hospital visit or two, and a few days of studying for your sermon whether it be Wed night for Youth or Sunday for the congregation. Boy O' Boy was I wrong! Pastor Byron, Barry, Darrell, and Travis all have shown me what REAL ministry is like! And also how to deal with the hard times, and the stupid pharisees that try and stop what God is doing, All because it's not what "they" like or what "they" think should be happening in "their" church. First off it is not "their" church its God's and the last time I checked we cared what God thinks and what God wants us to do not the pharisees!

But the thing I have had the hardest time dealing with is how Grown men and women who call themselves Christians have acted because they didn't like something... And instead of handling it biblically or even trying to talk to someone on staff about their problems with them, They decide to act like a 12yr olds and talk to their other 12yr old friends, who do not even posses the maturity to tell them that they are not handling it the right way either! But aside from all of that is the fact that I hate it for their children, who have no control over the fact that their parents are idiots! Some of them may never want to go to church again, or maybe even make up their minds about church, just because they've watched and listened to their parents rip it apart! Not only have their parents riped apart brothers in sisters in Christ and placed a HUGE wedge of anger between one another but they have also instilled a virtue of Hate and a attitude of "if you do not do it the way I want then I will do everything in my power to stop it" Where does that come from? I think it comes from a very Selfish perspective and attitude!

You know what bewilders me is the fact that so many have invested so much time in trying to stop what our church is doing, instead of investing that time in their kids and teaching them how real men and women who function in integrity act! Or better yet investing their time in reaching lost people. I had a conversation with two friends today about that, how we as Christians can loose sight of what is really important. Which is growing my own relationship with God more and more, and helping other people grow and begin a relationship with God. So often I think Christians get caught up in traditions, systems, and "their" way of doing things that we forget and loose sight of our First Love, and the reason we are here on earth!

But honestly I'm so glad that I have been able to see how REAL MEN OF GOD, act and respond to this! Thank you to the pharisees for showing me your backside, because I've learned so well how to deal with people like you, and also you have helped me with being able to grow in my relationship with God, because I honestly believe praying for pharisees is one of the greatest things in the world, because I no longer have to worry about it anymore, just allow God to deal with you! And to the pastors at C3 Thank You for functioning in integrity, Loving God more then anything else, and showing me how to pursue what God is revealing to you, and no matter what the cost Choosing to Fight for Love!

I am now excited about ministry more than ever, because I get the awesome privilege of serving under and learning from the GREATEST leaders in the whole world! Plus I get to be apart of the most AMAZING church in the whole entire world! I'm willing to step up and do whatever it takes to Fight for Love and to reach a lost and dying world for Christ. Are You?

Phor gun mai

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another AMAZING Sunday...sorry its Tuesday now....

Sorry it has been so long since my last blog, but honestly I have been so tired recently that I usually fall asleep waiting for my computer to boot up... Having a blackberry now, I would just rather use it for my browsing rather than waiting for my computer to boot. But, typing on it is pretty much the most annoying thing ever, not so much texting, but trying to write a blog with it would just put me in a really bad mood. I mean small buttons and FAT fingers do not work well with one another. But I wanted to just share my thoughts on this past Sunday. First off Riverdale lead us in worship, and the third song, which was a mixture of "Mighty to Save and The Stand" I felt goosebumps come down my neck and on my arms and then found myself very emotional. It encourages my heart so much, to be able to watch the amazing people of C3 Worship! Being in the sound booth in the back I get to crowd watch, and Believe me I count it a privilege every week! Something about watching other brother's and sister's in Christ Worshiping God, is just an amazing thing to witness. Plus it just's more and more confirms that the heart and passion for the vision our leadership team has, is nothing except EXACTLY what God has planned! I love the fact that we don't have "perfect Christians" any more! Because they do not and will not ever exist again! Jesus was the ONLY one! And being around people who are fake and think they can be "PC's" is just frustrating! I had an awesome conversation today with a Mentor/friend of mine, and just got to explain how I felt about the staff and the vision of our church. I thank God on a regular basis for our Staff at C3 the 4 guys in the office have had the LARGEST amount of influence in my life. I love and respect all 4 of these Godly men! And someday hope to learn enough from them that I can serve and invest in other people just like they have in so many. Thank You for your sacrifices, and thank you so much for teaching me what a True MAN of God looks, and act's like. You guys are amazing and I count it such an Amazing blessing to be able to learn from you and work with you everyday. Second, Pastor preached an amazing message! I don't know if it is because a lot of his analogies are comparisons between Christianity and football, but atleast thats why I think i understand it so well! Then closed out the morning with a little more worship. I love C3 church, I feel so at home as soon as i walk in the doors. But i have to be honest I am so stinkin excited about the opportunity that we will have when we're able to move to the theaters the UN=churched people we will be able to reach will be amazing. Then I had a great lunch (sonny's) with Kayleigh and friends, and a small Sunday nap, then back to church for Crave. Riverdale lead worship at Crave, also amazing! Just like in the morning, but what really struck me was how Travis and Jon J both spoke together. WOW is pretty much how to sum up their lesson! You guys did an awesome job! But my eyelids keep trying to close on me so I think that is my clue for me to call it a night.

Phor gun mai

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Rumble in the Jungle

Ok You have to watch the whole video before you read the blog. Please watch the whole thing through, it is not gruesome I Promise!

Ok so after watching the video I could'nt help but compare it to my daily walk with Christ. First the verse "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth." 2 Tim. 4:17 Sometimes as a Christian you can just be walking along thinking life is great. But just then out of no where satan jumps in and tries to take you down. I sympathized with the calf, and thought about how it was a perfect example of a believer in Christ, because as satan is attacking you from one direction, he can send some demons to attack you from the other side, and it feels like your in the middle of spiritual tug-of-war! Which after a while just drains all you have... your tired, worn out, and frustrated, you don't know how you will make any longer. And it's right about that point, right when your ready to give up. That God step's in, because "my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my Savior—from violent men you save me." 2 Sam. 22:3 When the herd of water buffalo come back for the calf, I thought it was an AMAZING discription of the Love of Christ, and those who fallow Him. Because they came right along side the calf, fought off the lions. Then welcomed it back into the herd. Because that "ONE" life was worth fighting for! And I know that's how it is for me, my closest friends, and most definitely my church. Plus without a doubt, would do whatever it takes to protect "ONE". Even if it means hookin the lions and throwing them off. Because "ONE MORE LIFE" is worth everything to me! So you know what? bring on the lions, crocs, and bears "OH MY" because we'll be ready, I'll be ready! 1 Peter 5:8 says "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." So stand strong, know God is right there, and remember sometimes he has to let somethings happen to you so that you can learn and grow from them. But He's ALWAYS got your back and will never let more than you can handle happen. I'll leave you with just one question... What's one life worth to you?

Phor gun mai

1st Blog EVER

Well its happened... I've finally broken down and joined the blogger world. I've fought it long enough, but after reading everyone's blog's recently, I cant help but feel the urge to become a blogger also. I am going to post another blog right after this one because there is something on my mind. But I thought I'd write an introduction blog before I jumped right into the heavier stuff. Well it took me about 45 min. to come up with the "headline" for my blog site, and after thinking about it, and talking with Kayleigh. I remembered that im pretty simple, I mean im a "Jock" it doesnt get much more simple than that. So I tried to think of something that I say on a regular basis that could be used as my Blog Name. So after like 10 min... I thought of "In Layman's Terms..." I just thought it fit me well seems how most people are smarter than me, and have much larger vocabulary's than I do. Plus often around those people (Mrs. Angie) I find myself asking the question "so in layman's terms what does that mean..." So there you go. The first Blog ever. Hopefully you will enjoy the rest! And thanks for checking it out.

Phor gun mai ( which is "See you next time" in Lao, my native language)